Saturday, November 27, 2010

missing in action

...i was going to title this post MIA like missing in action, but i realized that would sound like bulimia... which I tried last week after a binge but failed at. Which is a good thing. I don't really want to go there.

Sorry I haven't been posting. I will write a list to explain why:
  • Protocol Case Book due Monday for drama (approx 5-6 pages of writing to do)
  • 950 word Critical Review on a play due Tuesday
  • 18 PAGE essay due Wednesday, and the prof is taking of 7% for each spelling/ grammatical error... 7 PERCENT!!!
  • 20 Minute presentation on Wednesday in my Canadian Drama course on the significance and importance of my chosen play.
  • Friday I have two major drama presentations... one isa monologue I haven't even memorized yet!
I have barely started my 18 page essay... But tonight I think I'm going to finish ALL of my research notes, then Sunday-Monday-Tuesday write the paper... ugh. That's approx 6 pages a day... which is actually manageable i think. But with all the other work doesn't really seem like it. I'm going to make a different list for myself with a breakdown of work to do so I can focus and get things done.

Food wise, I haven't been restricting. Life wise, I'm a total mess because of my homework. Goal wise, I've blown the Christmas plan. But i still fit into all of my skinny clothes and tried on some old grade 11/12 summer clothing at my dad's house and some of it is too big. So that made me feel better at least.

I'm going to dissapear again, but I will resurface next week and read and comment on everyone's blogs and start posting more Thinspo-- and I will get back on track!!


1 comment:

  1. Good luck with that mountain you have to move dear! I suppose you're a drama major then? :)
